Yeah; I figure that the people of the city believed Jean’s dad’s muck-raking and Middy finally decided to become the villain that everyone seemingly wanted her to be.
Y’know, I’ve never understood why “Sidekick” is supposed to be such a ‘dirty word’ in the hero game.
All it means is “partner” – even if it’s “JUNIOR partner”, so what?!
You’re still far more skilled and powerful than the ‘normal’ people.
True, you gotta start somewhere, but Finch with no powers was picked over Salvadora who has superpowers for T.H.C.C. on pure skill alone! Not only that I’m pretty sure Finch was doing hero work before Salvadora found her super suit.
Sense when is Finch treated like a sidekick? She was the one who was allowed into Thicc based on her skill, she is clearly seen as the better superhero by most people.
oh me oh my i smell me a motive for MR turning to the dark side :o)
Yeah; I figure that the people of the city believed Jean’s dad’s muck-raking and Middy finally decided to become the villain that everyone seemingly wanted her to be.
Subtle, Finch. Reeeally subtle.
Methinks the Emma doth protest too much.
Midnight, my dear girl, you don’t know shit about Emma and her relationship with Carmen and it is going to cost you.
Y’know, I’ve never understood why “Sidekick” is supposed to be such a ‘dirty word’ in the hero game.
All it means is “partner” – even if it’s “JUNIOR partner”, so what?!
You’re still far more skilled and powerful than the ‘normal’ people.
True, you gotta start somewhere, but Finch with no powers was picked over Salvadora who has superpowers for T.H.C.C. on pure skill alone! Not only that I’m pretty sure Finch was doing hero work before Salvadora found her super suit.
Them’s fightin’ words, lady.
Sense when is Finch treated like a sidekick? She was the one who was allowed into Thicc based on her skill, she is clearly seen as the better superhero by most people.