Mountainous Merch 6 by admin on May 11, 2020 at 6:02 am Chapter: Mountainous MerchCharacters: carmen camacho, emma Wait, Finch wears a mask?! Support Salvadora on Patreon to see next week’s page, today! Buy our merch!
I can see why she is offended my that remark.
I thought she navigated by echolocation and smell, like bats and that Pinball Wizard kid!
I did a spittake when I read this comment! XD
Bartender! A round of body issues for everybody! The Fashion Industry is buying!!
Emma eye reveal be like O.O’
Emma, you only just noticed that Carmen’s “tracts of land” are rather more expansive than yours?
You mean at least one county if not two
Carmen is almost twice her size in every direction.
I laughed at that way more than I should have.