While I am certain that’s one of those truly ancient sayings that has been used by many people in many different cultures throughout history, my first memory of it was from the movie 3 Ninjas, which I think is about as historically accurate as the premise of some vanilla white kids without a single hint of an Asian feature between them somehow having a Japanese grandfather who is an actual “ninja master.” Thinking back on it, that movie makes the premise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seem more realistic by comparison. Also it came out in 1992 so it was probably cashing in on the popularity of ninjas with kids from stuff like TMNT around that time.
The implication is that a wise person can assess the situation ahead of time. There are precedents in warfare for this. For example, most top fighter aces (particularly those who weren’t eventually killed in action) explicitly followed this rule and quickly disengaged from combat if they were not in an advantageous position.
Cocky individuals (or villians in this case) downfall constantly tend to under estimate a persons resolve. When pushed an individual can do amazing things. I am not counting Finch out yet. Also… what is that star-like light in the distance behind Midnight Regin,s left shoulder?
While I am certain that’s one of those truly ancient sayings that has been used by many people in many different cultures throughout history, my first memory of it was from the movie 3 Ninjas, which I think is about as historically accurate as the premise of some vanilla white kids without a single hint of an Asian feature between them somehow having a Japanese grandfather who is an actual “ninja master.” Thinking back on it, that movie makes the premise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seem more realistic by comparison. Also it came out in 1992 so it was probably cashing in on the popularity of ninjas with kids from stuff like TMNT around that time.
You never “know you can’t win” until you’ve tried and failed. And even then, you might win next time.
The implication is that a wise person can assess the situation ahead of time. There are precedents in warfare for this. For example, most top fighter aces (particularly those who weren’t eventually killed in action) explicitly followed this rule and quickly disengaged from combat if they were not in an advantageous position.
Cocky individuals (or villians in this case) downfall constantly tend to under estimate a persons resolve. When pushed an individual can do amazing things. I am not counting Finch out yet. Also… what is that star-like light in the distance behind Midnight Regin,s left shoulder?
Maybe some other hero to enter the fray?
Prediction for next page: Admiral Awesome pulls up….
The star in the upper-right last panel might support that prediction…
Looks like no-one ever taught Midnight Reign when to stop monologuing. Of course, she is strong enough that she might not HAVE to!