Methinks you give the admiral too much credit where there is no supporting evidence.
Just because she wears a mask doesn’t imply that her head is, as grandma put it, full of raisins.
Actually i cant say thats a good thing. Invulnerable characters are often willing to take the hit to either show the futility of the action and demoralize the attacker or they take the hit so others dont have too. This leads to a few issues that make invulnerable characters somewhat easy to handle by characters that are crafty or more skilled. In essence the invulnerable characters first most vital weakness is the first punch. Most invulnerable characters take the first hit thrown at them this leads to the crafty fighter to layer the first hit with a trick that may end or weaken the opponent. Due to years of not dodging its not the first thing that comes to mind so they have slowed reaction times even if they have the speed to dodge bullets. Their fight or flight reaction is to fight worse their mrntality screams they can’t hurt me. Its one of the few reasons why despite superman being fast enough to phase through solid matter he takes more then a few punches to the face. Or why in all star superman that lex gets hit by the gravity laser or aizen got shot by that special kido that affects the hongyouku. In terms of the skilled one the mentaility of the invunerable ones are on full display. This allows them to recognize the fight patterns a little more easily because when an invulnerable enemy attacks its not like when they fight something that rivals them its like they are pressing the attack on their enemy directly. Often leading with a punch witha widely telegraphed wind up or a full on takle. Their attacks are often very linear without much tactics mixed in. They dont grasp for an advantage they only care about the advantage that they have. Against the more dramatic hero types like the Justice league tv series superman. He said out loud that im invulnerable the attacks i take are so they dont have to take them. This is foolish in the way that it demeans their teammates by saying i dont think you can take care of yourself in a dangerous situation and to an enemy it widens the lense of potential hostage hey could obtain.
Look at Finch in the background. Once again she vindicates herself only to still be left in the shadows.
Is it any wonder that most Martial Artists go their own way? That way they can save the day without some muscle clod getting in the way and/or getting all the glory.
Most Martial Artists don’t get their credit unless they are the team leaders like Captain America of the Avengers and Nightwing of the Teen Titans.
So in the span of the obstacle course Salvadora:
-got stabbed by needles
-got burned by flamethrowers
-got stuck going through tires
-got bitten by sharks
And she walks it off with a bit of costume damage. And that’s immeasurable disappointment? That’s a lot of punishment to take and stay standing! Admiral Awesome’s gotta start considering durability in her evaluations!
T.H.I.C.C. has to think about their public image.
Yes, Salvadora might be a durable fighter, but having someone on the field that lacks fineness in battle can reflect poorly on them going forward.
I’m impressed by the Admiral’s ability to maintain her expression of confidence. (Or maybe her face is just stuck that way.)
I think it was just a ‘knowing smirk’. She somehow knew Finch was the better fighter and wanted to test Salvadora’s resiliency.
Methinks you give the admiral too much credit where there is no supporting evidence.
Just because she wears a mask doesn’t imply that her head is, as grandma put it, full of raisins.
A few things :
1. Does Finch know any martial arts ? If so, how did she learn ?
2. Gotta love the cartoony slapstick/clothing damage on Salvadora here.
3. Can’t wait to see Dbl. A’s powers.
4. When you’re invulnerable or ” bullet-resistant ” like I guess Salvadora is, you don’t need to be good at dodging obstacles on the obstacle course.
looks like that shark has bitten off more than he can chew!!
Well, for starters, she doesn’t need a bigger butt!
Actually i cant say thats a good thing. Invulnerable characters are often willing to take the hit to either show the futility of the action and demoralize the attacker or they take the hit so others dont have too. This leads to a few issues that make invulnerable characters somewhat easy to handle by characters that are crafty or more skilled. In essence the invulnerable characters first most vital weakness is the first punch. Most invulnerable characters take the first hit thrown at them this leads to the crafty fighter to layer the first hit with a trick that may end or weaken the opponent. Due to years of not dodging its not the first thing that comes to mind so they have slowed reaction times even if they have the speed to dodge bullets. Their fight or flight reaction is to fight worse their mrntality screams they can’t hurt me. Its one of the few reasons why despite superman being fast enough to phase through solid matter he takes more then a few punches to the face. Or why in all star superman that lex gets hit by the gravity laser or aizen got shot by that special kido that affects the hongyouku. In terms of the skilled one the mentaility of the invunerable ones are on full display. This allows them to recognize the fight patterns a little more easily because when an invulnerable enemy attacks its not like when they fight something that rivals them its like they are pressing the attack on their enemy directly. Often leading with a punch witha widely telegraphed wind up or a full on takle. Their attacks are often very linear without much tactics mixed in. They dont grasp for an advantage they only care about the advantage that they have. Against the more dramatic hero types like the Justice league tv series superman. He said out loud that im invulnerable the attacks i take are so they dont have to take them. This is foolish in the way that it demeans their teammates by saying i dont think you can take care of yourself in a dangerous situation and to an enemy it widens the lense of potential hostage hey could obtain.
Look at Finch in the background. Once again she vindicates herself only to still be left in the shadows.
Is it any wonder that most Martial Artists go their own way? That way they can save the day without some muscle clod getting in the way and/or getting all the glory.
Most Martial Artists don’t get their credit unless they are the team leaders like Captain America of the Avengers and Nightwing of the Teen Titans.
Iron fist does just fine without a team but hes not above teaming with luke cage.
Looks like Salvadora made sure SHE was not booby trapped.
So in the span of the obstacle course Salvadora:
-got stabbed by needles
-got burned by flamethrowers
-got stuck going through tires
-got bitten by sharks
And she walks it off with a bit of costume damage. And that’s immeasurable disappointment? That’s a lot of punishment to take and stay standing! Admiral Awesome’s gotta start considering durability in her evaluations!
T.H.I.C.C. has to think about their public image.
Yes, Salvadora might be a durable fighter, but having someone on the field that lacks fineness in battle can reflect poorly on them going forward.
Va-va-va-Voom and Ooh-la-la-La! Mmmmm-mmmm! Daddy likes them for what they are!