Sudden Switch 4 by admin on January 25, 2021 at 6:03 am Chapter: Sudden SwitchCharacters: finch That can’t be good! Check out this month’s new pinup only on Patreon! Here’s a sneak peek: Support Salvadora on Patreon to see the full pic! Buy our merch!
the ol’ switcheroo!
Salvadora and Finch body switched.
This should be interesting…
I’m not so sure this is just a body swap. Either there’s some inconsistency in the coloring, or there are now two Finches with different hair colors (one of which is Salvadora in Finch’s body or transformed to look like Finch).
The streak of red in Finch’s hair is simply hidden when she turns her head far enough to her left.
I’m looking forward to finding out how Finch handles Sal’s balance issues from her enormous front-end weight distribution asymmetry.
Goodness, I can’t believe that I typed that with a straight face! XD
Ah but you forget that she has a counterweight at the other .. ahem … end…. so to say.