Sudden Switch 19 by admin on July 19, 2021 at 8:46 pm Chapter: Sudden SwitchCharacters: emma, mr. dimsdale, mrs. dimsdale, salvadora Well, that was… Support Salvadora on Patreon to see the full pic! Buy our merch!
Well, that was quick. Painless ? Not so much.
been there but with my younger siblings that’s harder
I think Sal was holding herself back to not tell them what to do with themselves.
Im sure the parents meant well but YEEEEEEEEEEASH that was a lot of personal stuff to dump out. It’s okay Emma we see you.
“Yeah… Ems? I’m sorry. That sucked. I’d say that ‘they mean well’ but, y’know… I think that would have required thinking about you.”
“Carmen? Thanks. Just… thanks.”