Ravenous Rebrand Part 3 32
on October 28, 2024
at 6:15 am
Chapter: Ravenous Rebrand Part 3
Characters: midnight reign, salvadora
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It looks like sotrmy is getting throughly handled at the moment. Hopefully the power of blond won’t make Sal do something she regrets later. We just need some cartoonishly over the top sound effect on the next page to break the tension.
IDK, Super Saiyan Salvadora has great alliteration
* Prediction for next page *: Black page, with a lot “WAP ” onomatopoeia sounds, with some nasty, more visceral noises sprinkled in (Crunch, Splorch) after Super Salvadora has thoroughly tenderized Midnight Reign’s face with her fist and the sticky, thick red goo inside has started to flow.
Maybe if the creators are really generous, they’ll show the silhouette of Reign’s partner/benefactor (I have a guess who it is…) as the person listens to a battle-damaged Reign explain why she failed (AGAIN) despite their assistance too. However, this time Reign’s injuries are not all comical…
I’m thinking that she’s not going to hit, she’s going to telepathically rip the anger, hate and bitterness out of Midnight Reign, leaving her a mentally-broken mess with huge holes in her mind.
Perhaps…but I don’t think that’d sit well with AA. Midnight is still her sister. Besides that’s kinda dark. Too dark for this comic in fact, but I can’t see inside the creators’ heads.
“Amazing, everything you just said is wrong”
You know this how…? Besides, it’s a guess.
You mean other than it being completely at odds with the tone of the comic? This isn’t The Punisher.
Nothing I described is anywhere close to what the Punisher has done or would do to criminals. Again, it’s a guess for fun. Did you mean for your comment to go to the other guy ?
“… This world is protected and I am done playing with their surrogate cannon fodder. Next time, I go to the source.”
Speaking of handlers and not acting alone – Is this just an upgrade on Sal’s part, or is she being possessed/controlled by someone/thing else?
The pink shift in the costume and word balloons give me both the heebies AND the jeebies!