Now, unless I misunderstood, those gems are the source of the Saviours’ power. So, one must wonder how Midnight Reign may have perverted her gem and just what the consequences might be, long term, to draw on that power. I mean, look at how the Dark Side rots Sith from the inside out!
I wonder if this is going to be one of those moments where the two opponents fist meet and destroy the environment around them?
Oh, dramatic!
Prediction for next page : Sunshi-….the vilainess formerly known, er Midnight Reign beats Gamma Cutie calm or back to her ” before ” ( scrawny) stage.
Now, unless I misunderstood, those gems are the source of the Saviours’ power. So, one must wonder how Midnight Reign may have perverted her gem and just what the consequences might be, long term, to draw on that power. I mean, look at how the Dark Side rots Sith from the inside out!
You didn’t misunderstand, you just imagined it.