I love your webcomic great writing and great parody of the super hero and super villain in the future comic can you let her roommate see Salvadora in her costume and she has to think of a way to explain it without letting her know that she is Salvadora
Carman won’t have to explain a thing. Jean will explain it herself:
– “Carmen! Is this Salvadora’s costume you are wearing? Does this mean…”
– “No! It’s not what it looks like!”
– “…you are trying to lure her out by pretending to be her, so I can discover her identity?”
– “Eh… sure, let’s go with that.”
– “I appreciate the thought, but that’s not going to work. Please leave it to pros, like me!”
Yup. Sally dont skip no carbs. Which is grand.
* gasp, dry heaves * Mayo ?!!! Seriously, Carmen ?!!! I feel betrayed.
I like mayo on a burger.
Though the excess is hillarius. The burger is a mix of McDonalds and Burger King now.
Gross * cringes * ( XD ).
Well I HOPE that it is actual Mayo and not that “Miracle Whip” stuff with the corn syrup filler – ugh.
I love your webcomic great writing and great parody of the super hero and super villain in the future comic can you let her roommate see Salvadora in her costume and she has to think of a way to explain it without letting her know that she is Salvadora
Carman won’t have to explain a thing. Jean will explain it herself:
– “Carmen! Is this Salvadora’s costume you are wearing? Does this mean…”
– “No! It’s not what it looks like!”
– “…you are trying to lure her out by pretending to be her, so I can discover her identity?”
– “Eh… sure, let’s go with that.”
– “I appreciate the thought, but that’s not going to work. Please leave it to pros, like me!”
I think I made the same face that Jean did…
… I also think we’ve seen Finch before, other than in Gamma Cutie’s research pictures and that villainess’ speech about heroines…
Yeah, she is is Carmen’s class on that strip Gamma introduces herself in that PERFECT teacher disguise of hers
That’s what she eats? No wonder she’s got thunder thighs. But so firmly packed and sexy thunder thighs.
Did no one get that Homestar reference?
What kind of Home Improvement story is being referred too?
Oh my sweet summer child.
The Homestar references are up to at least 2 at this point… [waits in anticipation]