She’s probably after Salvadora’s suit, that appears to have been the goal here from word one even if she let herself get distracted with personal stuff involving the Admiral. If she doesn’t get it this whole series of fights was pointless, so worth the risk to her – maybe. Be pretty funny if she gets bit by her own advice to Finch about not picking a fight you can’t win, wouldn’t it?
Nothing like a surprise teleport to scare the hell out of somebody. Knowing your stronger teammates are out of the fight can’t be helping.
That was almost ad bad as asking “What’s the worst that cuuld happen”?
I dunno… Maybe breaking your face? I mean, you’re at low power reserves now, after all. Do you want to risk starting another fight?
She’s probably after Salvadora’s suit, that appears to have been the goal here from word one even if she let herself get distracted with personal stuff involving the Admiral. If she doesn’t get it this whole series of fights was pointless, so worth the risk to her – maybe. Be pretty funny if she gets bit by her own advice to Finch about not picking a fight you can’t win, wouldn’t it?