I was going to make a comment about a situational reversal where you DON’T want her to look you straight in the eye, but then I realized that there’s not really any part of me I want her to be looking at, just in case.
Does this site take a long time to load, and sometimes just stop partway, for anyone else? I don’t have this problem with other webcomics, and had to refresh this page 3 times to get it to finish loading.
Turning those Laser-Lemons into Laser-Lemonade!
Don’t you mean Laser-MELONS? ( ´థ౪థ)
The eyes are up here Ծ_Ծ
whats really up and whats really down ~(´☉ ∀ ☉)~
Being able to shoot lasers from one’s breasts would actually be a terrifying power.
I was going to make a comment about a situational reversal where you DON’T want her to look you straight in the eye, but then I realized that there’s not really any part of me I want her to be looking at, just in case.
If looks could kill, huh ? Am I right, y’all ? Nothin’ ? A’ight, I’ma head out….
Does this site take a long time to load, and sometimes just stop partway, for anyone else? I don’t have this problem with other webcomics, and had to refresh this page 3 times to get it to finish loading.
Loads fine for me.
Using a brand-new power she might not even have full control over yet to carve ice…what could possibly go wrong?
Practice makes perfect.
Yeah, Sal, that’s nice but shouldn’t you be a bit more concerned about the ‘superpowers appearing form nowhere’ thing?