Incredible Ice 4 by admin on January 27, 2020 at 6:08 am Chapter: Incredible IceCharacters: pulchritudinous, xatra SALVADORA: YEAR TWO is now LIVE on Kickstarter! Support Salvadora on Patreon to see next week’s page, today! Buy our merch!
Is this going to lead to a face reveal?
I thought that Xatra had Salvadora’s same superpower suite so she should be able to fly and have superstrength. Is Pulchri made of dark matter?
Congratulations, Xatra, you’re a hero. I bet you never realised it was that easy, did you?
The ice couldn’t handle all that thickness. On a side note, Xatra looks like a frightened cartoon goat or sheep in panel 3. I wonder if her people are based on goats and sheep, face wise.
Quick- give her mouth to mouth!
Panel 3 is awesome.