Oh great. Here comes the annoying, hypocritical straw/ rad feminist stereotype character ( I guess that’s her MO ). For a villainess whose named after an adjective that means beautiful/attractive and dresses in a form-fitting body suit, that is very odd stance to take. Maybe it’s ironic.
Maybe it’s not that she’s angry that female heroes are being lauded for their looks. Maybe she’s here because she thinks they’re all ugly THOTs compared to her?
She’s got a pretty ample rack, too. Either way, I’m curious how the back story to this new character develops when you get to it. There’s got to be a lot of irony going with her. Does she have a crush on a hot guy who’s got a thing for super powered gals, but despite her looks, she can’t get his attention?
I have no issue with waifus, but referring to a real person as your waifu seems wrong.
Her examples got less odd exponentially.
tfw no finch gf
Oh great. Here comes the annoying, hypocritical straw/ rad feminist stereotype character ( I guess that’s her MO ). For a villainess whose named after an adjective that means beautiful/attractive and dresses in a form-fitting body suit, that is very odd stance to take. Maybe it’s ironic.
Her character is entirely based on the irony fueling the joke.
Ah. Cool.
There is so much irony in this character – is she a laundry service by day?
Maybe it’s not that she’s angry that female heroes are being lauded for their looks. Maybe she’s here because she thinks they’re all ugly THOTs compared to her?
Well regarding the formfitting, if her power is supposed to speed, it makes sense to have a relatively well fitting suit. The cape seems silly though.
And if nothing else, she is covering her face it seems as some sort of protest.
She’s got a pretty ample rack, too. Either way, I’m curious how the back story to this new character develops when you get to it. There’s got to be a lot of irony going with her. Does she have a crush on a hot guy who’s got a thing for super powered gals, but despite her looks, she can’t get his attention?
Um, pot… kettle… black?
I want to rest my head on Pulchritudinous’s pillows… She’s part of the problem now? lol
Nice page 🙂
How do you even pronounce her name?!
Pul-Cri-Tyoo-Di-Nus. At least that’s how I read it.