Finch loses the cape (and both of them, the footwear), she’s fine.
They have a warm water “wetsuit” that is little more than a lycra skin suit. Divers wear them in warm water to prevent hypothermia (and yes, you can get hypothermia even in warm water, since it is still at least 15C below core body temperature!).
I was in the Navy & they warned sailors about that should someone wind up going overboard.
About the only regions where you wouldn’t get hypothermia is literally tropical…And you still need to be wary of cooler prevalent sub-surface currents…And diving deep enough that there’s very little sunlight filtering through…And…
You know what? Screw it! Just be wary of the possibility of hypothermia in anything cooler than a hot tub.
What is Salvadora gonna do? Wear LESS? Is that possible?
Yeah, I’d say Sal is wearing appropriate clothes. If Finch wanted to falsely claim religious reasons she’d probably get away with that too, I think.
Surprise, is a Nudist Beach
This lifeguard knows what’s important. Enforcing beach dress code > Breaking up fight .
Lifeguard on duty : ” Nailed it. ” * smug face *
This comment made my day.
Sal can change her suit at will, yeah?
I can’t wait so see what Finch is gonna do!
*Muttering about petty bureaucrat wannabe-fascists*
Finch loses the cape (and both of them, the footwear), she’s fine.
They have a warm water “wetsuit” that is little more than a lycra skin suit. Divers wear them in warm water to prevent hypothermia (and yes, you can get hypothermia even in warm water, since it is still at least 15C below core body temperature!).
I was in the Navy & they warned sailors about that should someone wind up going overboard.
About the only regions where you wouldn’t get hypothermia is literally tropical…And you still need to be wary of cooler prevalent sub-surface currents…And diving deep enough that there’s very little sunlight filtering through…And…
You know what? Screw it! Just be wary of the possibility of hypothermia in anything cooler than a hot tub.
This is NOT going to bode well for whoever is causing a ruckus…